Feb 6, 2011

India, I'm back.

So I am back again. India, my second home.

Where I am now is called Woodstock School, which is an international school located on a 2000m high mountain that is sort of a part of Himarayas. The city we are in is Mussoorie and it is probably one of the most beautiful hill station I have ever seen. So far North India seems quite different from South India, where I lived for 3 years to study at Kodaikanal International School, Tamil Nadu. Different in good way though. You can't go wrong with India...well, at least for me. Ohhhh India, you have a special spot in my heart. I love you including all your smell, color, taste, noise, and mess. There is a magic here that keeps me enchanted.

Anyways, the reason why I'm here is because I was offered a music teaching job here at Woodstock and have been working since November, 2010. This is my first professional job and everyday is filled with thrill, excitement and a little bit of chaos!

I hope I can keep up with this blog so that my family and friends at all over the world can see what I'm up to. Also I am getting pretty sick of Facebook and I hope this will be a good replacement that will help me communicate better with my people! I will be doing a lot of travelling (hopefully!) during my contract here and I will be posting things about that. I have actually just come back from an exciting trip around North India that I will be writing about next (hopefully soon!) Until then...

1 comment:

  1. Great to read your blog, and glad to hear you're getting tired of Facebook ;-)
