Jun 24, 2011

Fall 2010 semester summary: Part 1 - Grade 5 Hike

So just as I anticipated I did not make any post since the last one until the year ended! Well, first year of teaching is busy enough, and on top of that my computer being six years old grandpa and internet connection at home being terrible didn't help. That's my excuse!

Here is Part 1 of a brief summary of what else happened during the Fall 2010 semester before the winter break...

So as I mentioned at the end of our camp story, I went on a hike with a group of Grade 5 kids. Woodstock has a very active outdoor education program, and students are required to finish certain amount of hike credits. Staff volunteer as chaperon and get to tag along with the adventures, so I signed up as well. It was tiring after the camp, but a lot of fun! I also teach many of these students in Beginning Band, so it was fun to get to know them outside the class. This was about 6 hours hike. It was to something-Tibba.... I forgot the name of the mountain!

Energetic Grade 5 students
On the way we saw what's called the ripple mark - wrinkly and wavy mark on rocks. It's the prove that this rock used to be underneath the ocean. Isn't that amazing? Kids kept on begging us if they could eat the snack from their lunch bags, and it was like a war to keep them away from it until the actual lunch time. It was not a very difficult hike since we walked along the road for most of it, but at the end we climbed to the top of a hill which was a quite steep walk.

When we got to the top we saw many Himalayan vultures. They were circling above out heads and kids  were honestly scared that the vultures were going to attack them. We, staff chaperons had fun teasing kids around saying that it was true...! We could also see the great Himalayan mountain view. It was all covered in snow and looking magnificent. All the adults were already exhausted, but kids had no mercy. They found themselves a little bush cave and played in it for an hour straight. They also stood at the edge of every cliff and made us sweat in our hands. I'm glad that at least these kids are able to enjoy playing in the nature without being afraid of getting dirty. I hope they won't ever lose that.

Ripple mark
The beginning of steep walk
The gangs with amazing scenery in the background
Kids discovers a secret playing spot in the bush
On the way back these genius kids again did it. One of the student poked a little tiny hole on a melted chocolate package and swung it around in full strength. Obviously the liquid chocolate got on everyone's face, clothes and backpacks, and they all loved this game. It was too late for me to stop them so I just stayed away and enjoyed the entertainment. Kids always amazes me with their creativity of inventing fun things to do no matter where they are. Poor dorm staff who actually had to deal with the problem later on...! Sorry!

There were also three students walking back with me, who were all telling me different stories at the same time. I honestly felt like they had put some magic spell on me because my mind went totally blank and I don't know how I got home. I was supposed to go to a sitar concert after I got back but I guess I passed out as soon as I reached home and when I woke up it was already the next day at noon.

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